


Once a year you should come in for a physical exam.

Employers, athletic teams, and schools often require them within a certain time frame. Our physicians are on hand to make sure you get the exam you need, when you need, and with the proper documentation. In general, the physical will cover your overall health status.

You may be asked to record your personal and family’s medical history. Then, you may divulge any current health issues as the doctor evaluates your general appearrance. He/she is looking at factors such as your skin’s appearrance, memory recall, alertness/speech, and physical mobility. The doctor will check vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and respiration rate. Then your doctor will conduct a number of scpecialized exams to evaluate your heart, lungs, head, neck, abdomen, muscoskeletal, and brain. The head and neck exam can broaden into inspecting the eye, mouth, throat, hearing, and lymph nodes. The testing required is dependent on the specific physical’s requirements.

Call (970) 728-3848 to schedule an appointment.

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