Resilience can be defined as a person’s ability to be able to bounce back from difficult and challenging times.
While large life stressors (such as the end of a relationship or a period of poor health) always require some adjustment, those with resilience are better able to function despite these difficult circumstances.
People with resilience still experience feelings of anxiety, distress, grief and sadness, but tend to be able to see beyond this and keep things in perspective.
People with resilience tend to be more adaptable, are able to identify that many stressful times are temporary, and are better able to manage their stress.
While some people tend to be inherently more resilient, resilience is something that can be built by making shifts in our thoughts and behaviors.
So what can we do to improve our own resilience, and strengthen our ability to take on challenging times?
There are many things that can be helpful.
First, it is important to prioritize positive self-care; make sure that you are well-fed and well rested, that you engage in positive coping skills (such as mindfulness practices), activities that bring you joy, and that you are getting outside and getting exercise.
Feel your feelings, and do not seek out substances as a means of numbing difficult emotions.
Maintain a network of supportive people that can help you to get through difficult times; this could include family members, friends, neighbors, healthcare providers, or members of a spiritual community.
When faced with problems, engage in problem-solving and goal setting, with a focus on what you can control, rather than ignoring the issues.
Identify what you have done in the past to get through difficult times, and implement these strategies in response to current stressors.
Finally, work to create a mindset that nurtures hope for the future, and allows you to find meaning in your day-to-day life. Meaning may be found in many different ways, from creating your own individual daily rituals to volunteering to help others.
With these steps, we can help ourselves to be better equipped to navigate difficult times.
This is a challenging time for all of us, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need support. I can be reached by calling the Telluride Medical Center at 970-728-3848, or if you are a patient of Telluride Medical Center, by messaging me through the Telluride Medical Center portal.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call The Center for Mental Health’s crisis line at 970.252.6220.
Be well,
Lindsay Wright
Lindsay Wright | Behavioral Health
Telluride Medical Center