The Telluride Regional Medical Center, along with San Miguel County Public Health, has been approved as a Phase I distribution site for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Both organizations expect to receive 100 vaccines to be administered to high risk healthcare providers, first responders and clinical healthcare personnel throughout the county.

San Miguel County Public Health will lead the charge in distribution and additional vaccine inventory is expected weekly.

The vaccine will be free throughout every phase of distribution.

Staff at the Med Center are entirely dedicated to a process that is efficient and equitable.

The phased approach to vaccine distribution, which will take months, has the goal of saving as many lives as possible while ending the crisis brought on by the pandemic as quickly as possible.

Phase I distribution is meant to vaccinate first responders and healthcare providers in order to continue to safely provide essential care to the general public.

Phase II will include the most vulnerable population and other essential workers, followed by the general public, Phase III. It’s hard to give an exact date, but the hope is we’ll arrive at Phase III this summer.

Equitable distribution will be our priority throughout every phase of distribution and we will be working closely with our partners at San Miguel County Public Health to ensure that every person who wants a vaccine will get one.

The CDPHE relayed new projected timelines for the various phases as they pertain to Colorado. We expect it could take as few as three months per phase. This timeline indicates that the vaccine could be available to Phase II high risk individuals as soon as the spring and the general public in Phase III as soon as the summer.

Even as the vaccine rolls out, it is imperative that residents and visitors follow Level Red protocol and diligently adhere to the Five Commitments of Containment:

8 things to know about the covid-19 vaccine

We ask that you please do not call the Telluride Regional Medical Center with questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

We are not keeping a waiting list for the vaccine. We will continue to release information as we have it and will find ways to ensure the vaccine is distributed equitably throughout every phase of distribution. 

We understand this is a stressful time, please continue to be patient and kind, and remember, we are all in this together.