Telluride is not immune the national opioid crisis. Prescription opioids such as Fentanyl and Percocet, Xanax and Adderall are in high demand for recreational use. They often end up in the wrong hands, including family members, visitors to our homes, and our children, with dangerous and deadly consequences.
Each year our country spends a whopping $35 billion in healthcare costs related to opioid overdose, misuse, and dependence. The lives of the people behind the dollar signs matter even more. That’s why the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) is sponsoring “National Take Back Day” on Saturday, October 29th. It is designed to safely and securely “take back” medications you are no longer using to help prevent them from being circulated in our communities.
“As healthcare providers, we take our responsibility seriously to be judicious in safely prescribing medications,” said Dr. Sharon Grundy, Medical Director of Primary Care at the Telluride Regional Medical Center. “We implore you to properly dispose of these types of medications you no longer need.”
If you are currently prescribed and using these medications, do not store them in your medicine cabinet or on your nightstand. They should be in a location out of sight where children or drug seekers cannot intentionally or unintentionally get to them. If you don’t know what to do with unused prescriptions, the Telluride Marshal’s Department offers year-round secure disposal of medications. Simply stop by their office at 134 S. Spruce Street in Telluride during regular business hours. If you live elsewhere, contact your local police or fire department.
“Help us prevent these drugs from going from your prescribed use to someone else’s dangerous misuse,” said Dr. Grundy. For more information on proper storing and disposing of medications, visit
If you or someone you know needs help with drug abuse, please call the medical center at 970-728-3848 to speak with one of our practitioners about available help and resources. If you have a mental health emergency, call 9-8-8. If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, please call 9-1-1.