Diana Koelliker, M.D.
Medical Director of Emergency & Trauma Services
Telluride EMS Director
Associated with the Telluride Regional Medical Center since 2005
Wake Forest University, 1992
Med School
Medical College of Georgia, 1997
University of Mississippi Medical Center, 2001
Emergency Medicine, Board Certified
Dr. Koelliker is the Medical Director of the Emergency Department leading efforts to care for thousands of patients seen every year. She particularly enjoys caring for children and people with orthopedic injuries. Dr. Koelliker is also the medical director for Telluride’s Emergency Medical Services (EMS) leading more than thirty medics to provide reliable emergency medical care in our rural community.
“I like the variability that we see in our emergency department, and I love that most of our patients are generally healthy and eager to recover from their illness or injury to get back doing what they like to do.”
When Dr. Koelliker is not seeing patients, she enjoys spending time with her husband Paul, whom she met her first year of medical school, their son and their dog. She also enjoys running, skiing, playing softball, cooking and spending time with friends.
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