you deserve a new medical center
you deserve a new medical center
The Community Deserves a New Medical Center
Since 2006 the Telluride Hospital District Board of Directors has been working toward securing a future home for the region’s only primary and emergency care provider.
For the bulk of the decade board members, staff and much of the public believed the medical center would remain within the town of Telluride. Only after the the Town of Telluride opted out of participating in the Hospital District’s site selection process in 2015 and the subsequent ballot measure (which ruled out a medical facility as a possible use for the “RV Lot” of the Pearl Property) did THD pivot towards securing a home elsewhere.
The below timeline also demonstrates the Hospital District’s efforts to enlist the public through public forums, ballot measures and advisory committees.
- THD Board recognized the lack of clarity around the current site and tried to open talks with Idarado and started search for a new site
- Idarado was not interested in discussing selling or leasing land and facility until it would be too late
- THD felt it important to secure future site while the few identified sites were available
- THD placed 3 resolutions on the Nov. 2008 R-1 ballot
- Approve the purchase of the RV Lot: Passed
- Approve the development of the RV Lot: Failed
- Approve a $15M Construction General Obligation bond: Failed
- Board expanded search for potential new sites following the failed 2008 election
- 2010: Renovated the Emergency Department as a bridge to a new facility
- 2012: Town of Telluride passed a resolution to keep the medical center in Telluride
- Approached the Town of Telluride regarding purchase of RV Lot
- The Town of Telluride did a wetlands study forestalling a decision on the dispensation of the RV Lot by 18 months
- Town suggested putting the majority of the Pearl Property into the Valley Floor Conservancy and Rezoning the RV Lot for “Public Use” of which the medical center was one of the uses
- Fall 2013: THD approached Town to jointly commit with THD to use the RV Lot for new facility and list it as the sole use on the November 2D ballot measure – Refused
- Summer/Fall 2013: The Telluride Foundation launched a Health & Wellness Center Initiative: Several Sites Considered (Concluded February 14 with report).
- November 5 : Non-Binding Referendum 2D Passed by 61% designating the RV Lot for “Public Use” (In theory, this foreclosed the RV Lot for THD use).
- February 28 : THD Board meeting to approve property evaluation forms and issuance.
- March 2 : Property evaluation legal notice.
- March 3 : Pre-Request For Information (RFI) release stakeholder meeting to discuss acceptability and timeline of RFI process with all potential landowners (Telluride, TMV, Big Dog Holdings and Lawson Hill H&I).
- March 18 : Release property evaluation via email. Released the RFI to begin the process of selecting a new site
- April : Hired Selected Site Selection Consultant: Frauenshuh
- April 11 : Meet with Michael McAllister to start to putting together the building cost model based on Oakland’s template
- April 28 : Stakeholders questions due
- May 22 Meet with Chris Hawkins, Dan Jansen, Eric Wells, Michael McAllister & the Architect
- June 16 : Optional Stakeholders Interviews before the RFI is due on June 23
- June 16 : Optional work session for landowners with THD regarding RFI submittals
- June 17-August 3 : Submittal evaluation
- June 23 : RFI submittals for site due
- July 2 : Facility Advisory Committee met
- August 12 : Public Forum at 6: 30pm at the Sheridan Opera House to discuss preliminary findings of the Community Advisory Committee
- August 20 : Community Advisory Committee 2nd Meeting
- August 22 : Meeting with Mike Rozycki
- August 29 : Announced preferred site and enter negotiations
- August 29 : Frauenshuh’s recommendation due to THD
- August 29 : Telluride Hospital District Board Meeting
- September 2 : Public Announcement of THD’s site selection decision (Public Forum)
- September 16 : Telluride Regional Medical Center Charrette with Page (Public Forum)
- September 17 : THD Special Board Meeting Re: Site Selection: Start with an Open Meeting (Public Forum) at 3pm then move to Executive Session if Necessary
- October 14 : TMV Design Charrette (Public Forum)
- October 15 : TMV Design Charrette (Public Forum)
- November : Town of Telluride Ballot 2A; voters decide to use Pearl Property for use other than med center
- November 11 : Call with Chris Hawkins Re: THD Developer Decision
- January : Mahlum Architects selected for Phase 1 architectural services
- January : Turning Point Advisors selected to do financial forecasts for new facility
- January 7 : Deadline for Submittal Questions from A/E Firms regarding the RFQ/RFP
- January 19 : A/E SOQ/SFP Submittals Due in Gordon’s office in Hard and Electronic Copy by 2pm
- January 21 : SOQ’s with Gordon
- February 5 : 9:00 am to 10:00 am: Davis Partnership 10:30 am to 10:30 am: Debrief and break 10:30 am to 11:30 am: Heery 11:30 am to 1:00 pm: Debrief and lunch break (Lunch provided) 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: Mahlum 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: Debrief and break 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm: Boulder Associates 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm: Debrief, Score Firms and selection of architect
- February 9 : Initial application to the UAACE
- February 12 : TMC: Phase One Consulting Agreement
- February 19 to Feb 21 : Meetings with Ron Allred and the Facility Advisory Committee
- February 23 : Commencement of A/E Services Today!
- February 24 : Functional programming work session with leadership team.
- March 23 : TMC to Submit Draft “Initial Site Plan” for Town Review Today: March 23
- March 31 : THD, Mahlum and helicopter experts met with joint MV Town Council and Mountain Village Design Review Board to do conditional use permit for heli-stop. Approval received.
- March 31 : Design Charrette (Public Forum) invites public to first opportunity to see initial concepts put forth by consulting team (Mahlum Architects) and for public comment. The town of Mountain Village hosts this Design Charrette sessions to evaluate the initial site plans for the new regional medical center development project. Both design charrette sessions will take place in the conference room in Mountain Village Town Hall; public is invited to attend these meetings in person or watch online here.
- April 1 : Second Design Charrette (Public Forum) opportunity to see initial concepts put forth by consulting team (Mahlum Architects) and for public comment. The town of Mountain Village hosts two design charrette sessions to evaluate the initial site plans for the new regional medical center development project. Both design charrette sessions will take place in the conference room in Mountain Village Town Hall; public is invited to attend these meetings in person or watch online here.
- April : Functional plan exercise with Mahlum Architects, THD board and TMC management team
- April 2 : Joint Mountain Village Town Council and DRB Work Session on the Conceptual Plans: Meeting at 10am
- April 23 : Conditional Use Permit Public Hearing
- May 18 : Underwriter interview
- June 26 : Mahlum final Phase 1 report made to THD.
- June 30 : Public Forum: Arroyo wine bar
- July 7 : New facility funding discussion with FAC
- July 20 : Resubmission of 404 wetlands applications due to changes in size of building. Ongoing communications with USACE since July 20, 2015
- July 22 : Conference Call with Dave Anderson of Frauenshuh Re: Developer Lead New Facility
- July 23 : Public Forum: Hotel Madeline
- August 18 : Public Forum: Angler Inn
- September 10 : Public Forum: Sheridan Opera House
- September 14 : Frauenshuh stated that they will have a proposal to us by today
- September 28 : Funding summit #2 with FAC, THD and TPA.
- October 6 : Public Forum: MV Town Hall.
- November 20 : Joint FAC, THD, TPA and Joe Kunkel new facility funding strategy meeting.
- January 25 : USACE letter outlining 9 questions about the wetlands permit
- March 25 : THD response letter to USACE answering USACE questions
- April 19 : USACE letter to THD requesting the “Mitigation Plan” be submitted within 30 days and notifying THD that there “appears” to be no practicable alternative sites. However if a site were to materialize prior to the wetlands permit being issued, USACE would require THD to fully analyze.
- May 13 : USACE email asking these questions 1) What is a CAH, 2) What are the boundaries of the District and 3) “Are there any off-site alternatives available that achieve the overall project purpose stated above (able to build a CAH) that were not provided to the Corps?”
- May 24 : THD responded to questions posed by the USACE in an April 19, 2016 letter and an email on May 13, 2016
- May 19 : THD submittal of Wetlands Mitigation Plan to USACE
- June 7 : THD Work Session with Joe Kunkel, Michael McAllister and Davis Partnership to discuss a fee proposal for Phase II Architectural Services.
- July 13 : Public Forum 9a.m. at Between the Cover’s High Alpine Coffee. Meet John Gardner, the Telluride Regional Medical Center’s new CEO to share ideas and learn about the new facility envisioned for the community.
- August 11 : Public Forum with Mountain Village Property Owners in Mountain Village
- August 23 : Wetland Permit Still Out of Reach for Telluride Hospital District
- October 31 : Hospital District Withdraws Wetland Permit, Still Determined to Find Future Home for Health Care
- March : Telluride Hospital District board of directors have gained new momentum for conversations with regional players, like the Lawson Hill Owners Association and San Miguel Valley Corporation; the criteria for a new site remains the same: The new site must be accessible for patients, ambulance and helicopter; suitable for current and projected needs; available for future expansion; financially feasible with funding mechanisms; and with a minimal environmental impact.
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